He said, 'kids it might be fun, but remember you were raised better than those dumb axxes in Washington. They are just politicans, and don't know too much or any better. And got no pride either or respect for others nor our milittary families"!
Here's a perfect example of what's happening with this administration - just click on the link below -- this report just came out! And, please pass along to everyone! Yes, 'copy & paste' if you wish!
Obama Denies Flyover of 'GOD & Country Rally'—1st Time In 42Yrs!
Because of the "CHRISTIAN nature of the event"...quote from White House!
Are 'more' of his anti-American roots showing? That is how it appears once again.
To one and all, including the POTUS, the CIC, the Congress, the Supreme Court, all three branches of government, the Pentagon and every American:
It's the Soldier, not the reporter
who has given us
the freedom of the press!
It's the Soldier, not the poet,
who has given us
the freedom of speech!
It's the Soldier, not the politicians,
that ensures our right to
Life, Liberty and the pursuit
of happiness!
It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag!
(from FINAL CALL compiled by William Ryan)
Salute and honor them,
or exercise a freedom they have fought,
shed their blood and died for,
for over 233 years now:
your freedom and liberty
to leave and live somewhere else on planet earth,
if you are not happy and content
living in America, the U.S.A.,
"the land of the free, and home of the brave"!
And forget not these words,
and the price that has been paid.
Here is one who made the Final Call for America, and you and me:
In memory of Staff Sergeant John C. Beale
God bless him, his family, all those before them,
and all who follow in their footsteps!
please refrain from abusing it,
or disrespecting those who bore the price!
That is the duty of a grateful nation,
and all of it's people!
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